Minggu, 15 Juli 2007

Christian Automobile Repair Charity Needs Your Help

In Vancouver, Washington a small Christian automobile charity that provides free or low cost auto repair work or even replacement automobiles to those whose cars are too worn out vitally needs your help right now. The CARpenter's Garage is a unique Christian run business in that it provides a vital service to the poor who cannot afford to pay for needed auto repairs as well as provide regular paid service work to the public who have regular financial means.

In the last year, this organization gave away as much as $100,000 in automobiles to poor persons whose cars were too worn out to repair as well as provided thousands and thousands of dollars of free or even very low cost sliding scale work, parts and many, many manhours of labor to the poor of Vancouver, Washington.

If you'd like to help out this very worthy organization, then donations can be sent to: Dare To Live:P.O. Box 2495, Vancouver, Washington 98668 or you can call 360-696-4009 for more information. Any donation check to this Christian charity should be made out to: CARpenter's Garage.

While horses or other primitive travel may have been popular in the days of Jesus, this wonderful organization provides vital help to the modern society built on the need for motorized transportation so that the poor can drive to work or school, or even live in their car if they are homeless.

In order to stay in their building and continue to provide this charity service, $60,000 in donations are vitally needed right now by CARpenter's Garage. A very small amount to continue this important service for the poor of SouthWestern Washington. If there is any way you can help this charity, then God will certainly bless you in many ways by helping this wonderful organization. So please help them out if you can.

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