Rabu, 19 September 2007

Thompson Is Quickly Rallying Republican Party Conservatives

Fred Thompson appears to be quickly rallying the support from Republican Party conservatives who make up the majority of Republican Party members according to evidence found in a new Rasmussen Poll out just today. Thompson now commands 28% support in the preference poll, followed by Giuliani at 19%, McCain at 13%, and Romney at just 11%. It appears that both Giuliani and Romney seem to be suffering the most in this latest polling, with Giuliani losing support as the previous front-runner and Romney losing his conservatuve base of support to Fred Thompson, who many Republican voters now views as either a conservative or the most conservative candidate among the 2008 GOP hopefuls.

Hillary Clinton also continues to improve her strengths as the leading Democratic candidate and is leaning polls in critical early primary states such as New Hampshire as well proves important general election strengths in some normally GOP leaning states such as Florida, Virginia and Arkansas in possible 2008 matchups.

Thompson tends to run a weaker race than Giuliani which has to be good news for the Hillary Clinton campaign and enhances her prospects for winning the 2008 election. Hillary Clinton appears to be eroding her negative rating among many Democratic voters as well. This also has to be a good sign for her campaign that she could win the general election by constantly improving her image as an extremely intelligent and competant leader. It also appears that the Norman Hsu scandal has had little impact on the Clinton campaign so far as well, as evidenced from polling data from various outlets.

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