A very weird and strange story about an alien being known as the "Uralien Alien" has become big news in Russia, including today's online edition of Pravda. Scientists in Russia are supposed to publicly resolve this bizarre mystery with more DNA tests and an explanation very soon. Claims in the Russian media like Pravda are that a creature who resembled an alien from Space has been tested for DNA and has not found to have to been either human or animal as the DNA resembles nothing found on Earth. The body of the strange being was found near the town of Kyshtym in the Urals.
Even stranger, are stories that those who examined this body have been striken with strange illnesses, including one researcher who was paralyzed from the waist down with a mystery illness.
The creature who is a dwarf compared to a human had a strange skull comprised of just four bones whereas a human skull has six bones in it. An old Russian peasant woman who was barely literate found the alien while it was still alive and even named it Alioshenka. But the being eventually died and a series of scientific tests and mysteries followed, along with the mystery illness of a main researcher. Some local church officials in Russia knew about the alien and even thought it was some sort of demon, but nothing suggests the being intentionally caused any harm while still alive.
It is a great mystery where this sttrange being came from, it's strange appearance and bone structure, and it's weird DNA with a strange gene unknown on Earth.
So far the U.S. media has ignored this very strange, but credible story that is big news in Russia. An explanation of this weird phenomenon will be interesting, explaining whether this is a significant find or just an elaborate hoax of some sort. But credible evidence so far suggests that that the being is geniune and the story not some hoax. But many mysteries remain around this weird story as it unfolds.
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