Minggu, 06 Mei 2007

Barack Obama Slips Past Hillary Clinton In Reliable New Poll

In the latest highly reliable poll from Rasmussen Reports, Senator Barack Obama now leads Hillary Clinton by two points, 32-30%, marking a slight trend of a slide for Senator Clinton. Former Senator John Edwards contines to lag farther back at 17%.

The trend of Barack Obama making steady inroads into the support of Senator Clinton has been a trend for months. Some political analysts predicted by Labor Day he might even catch up with Clinton, however he is far ahead of that schedule and can probably be assumed to be the co-front runner for the Democratic nomination until he gains more distance from her in his poll standings. With positive reports of cash donations, a fresh surge of public support seems to have followed for Obama.

Last week, Obama become the first major contender for the presidency to gain Secret Service protection, a sure sign that his crowds have become huge with his "rock star" like standing and charisma among many voters. Rather than a troublesome sign, this was a sign that his campaign is appealing to huge crowds and the Secret Service can be sure events are orderly and safe.

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