Kamis, 03 Mei 2007

Three More Names Added To Washington Vietnam Memorial

Three more names have been added to the Vietnam memorial. However the standards by which some names are added is far different than what many may think. One of the names was included of a former soldier who died in 2005, but the family contended that his being wounded in action back during the 1960's to early 70's war helped to contribute to his death.

The sacrifice of any soldier deserves respect on one hand. But standards that include a death of former soldiers, many in their 60's who die more than 34 years after the end of American role in Vietnam probably surprise most Americans who think that only deaths more timely to the actual war period are included on the wall. But regardless, anyone who made a sacrifice in Vietnam, deserves great respect.

At the Pearl Harbor Memorial in Hawaii, some former sailors who survived the terrible attack on the Arizona battleship have had their cremated remains buried on the ship with their fellow sailors in recent years. However, they are not classified as being killed in action on that ship.

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