Kamis, 28 Juni 2007

Ann Coulter Crosses The Dangerous Taboo Line Again

Right wing writer Ann Coulter has crossed the line of good sense and good taste once again with her new attacks on Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on ABC's morning news show when she suggested that it was unfair to compare him to "homosexuals" and even far worse suggested that he should be a victim of a "terrorist assassination" attack. How ABC can give time to someone who makes such suggestions is simply outrageous. In Coulter's mind this is comedy. But to rational persons, this is the speech of a mentally ill person.

Next to her attacks on the 9/11 victims' wives, Coulter's disgusting comments regarding terrorism on American soil are simply wrong. 9/11 was a very serious event.

Terrorism on American soil and safety and security for our leaders and presidential candidates is very important. No one like Coulter should be allowed a national soapbox to speak of such serious problems as jokes. There simply is no place for such langauge in polite society, except for those without any sense at all, which seems to include Coulter.

The wife of John Edwards, is rightly angry, and complained to Coulter on the CHRIS MATTHEWS SHOW on MSNBC about this form of outrageous "hate speech" that seems to make light or even justify violence and is just plain wrong. Naturally Coulter was arrogant and unmoved by the complaint by the wife of Edwards.

Political opinions are one thing. This is protected free speech. But when Coulter uses national TV like ABC as a soapbox to justify terrorism to suit her extremist political opinions, then ABC must be called on to make some serious changes to their policies. There should be no safe place in the mainstream media for anyone who crosses over the line and advocates for violence to justify their politics. Coulter's brand of extremist politics are simply unacceptable.

Law enforcement seeks to provide a safe society for sane persons to rationally discuss important issues. What isn't needed is for someone like Coulter to break down the taboo of advocating political violence in our society to justify her own opinions. All right thinking persons need to stand firm against this dangerous degeneration of reasonable discourse.

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