Jumat, 01 Juni 2007

Hillary Clinton Would Win NY In An All NY Politician Three Way Election

Rasmusssen Reports has some of the very best polls of any Website on the internet. And a new one out this week has Senator Hillary Clinton winning her home state of New York with 50% support if fellow New Yorkers Andrew Giuliani runs as the Republican nominee and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg runs as an independent candidate. Giuliani gets no higher than 29% support in such a strange matchup of all New York candidates for President. Former millionaire Democrat turned Republican, Michael Bloomberg gets a healthy 15% support.

Election Projection run by Scott Elliot and Rasmussen Reports rate as two of the best polling and election data evaluation websites. Both are worthwhile to check our each day or to subscribe to. Both offer great hypothetical polls that will give political junkies their best fix of political data to drool over than almost any other websites out there. And these two websites have very closely called recent elections down to the fraction of a percentage point as well.

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