Minggu, 31 Desember 2006

New Video Suggests Saddam Execution Was Carried Out By Shiite Militia Members

A new cell phone recorded video now circulating on the Internet on www.anwarweb.net with audio strongly suggests that the execution of Saddam Hussein was carried out by Shiite Militia group members aligned with radical antiAmerica cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. This new evidence strongly suggests that the Saddam execution was rushed through to satisfy this militia group and the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, and that the normal path of justice in the "new" Iraq was deliberately avoided. Saddam had more trials pending on far more serious charges and also was facing civil charges in at least one lawsuit filed in the U.S. None of these important cases are likely to be heard except for the civil suit in the U.S. now.

Rather than an orderly execution, done with proper professionalism, it appears from the audio that the executioners were taunting Saddam Hussein with a chant of "Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada", and other wholly improper conduct, which seems to suggest that Saddam Hussein was handed over to the same Shiite militia elements responsible for kidnappings, murders, and other crimes against the Sunni civilian population of Iraq. Everyday 5 bodies or more that show the signs of torture and are handcuffed are found in river that runs through Baghdad by police patrols, most probably victims of the same Shiite militia group that carried out the execution of Saddam Hussein. Generally about 50 bodies a day, generally of Sunni citizens are found murdered, torured and handcuffed in the streets of Baghdad. These persons are denied a fair trial as well.

If anything this audio portion of the video seems to suggest that the very unusual execution of a prisoner was carried out only to satisfy this Shiite militia group before a major Islamic holiday. Saudi Arabia has condemned this execution before a major Islamic holiday as entirely inappropriate.

All of this raises serious questions about whether justice was really followed in the recent legal dealings and execution of Saddam Hussein. The question of whether this has become just another killing by the Shiite militia associated with radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is now raised by the audio clues during the execution. The official Iraqi state version of the execution was supposed to be without audio. But this cell phone recorded version raises serious questions of an improper role of Muqtada al-Sadr's involvement in this affair.

By any reasonable standard, Saddam Hussein was indeed a murderous thug who deserved to be brought to justice. The victims of the far more serious crimes than the murder of 148 Shiites who were denied justice and killed by Saddam Hussein after a failed assassination attempt such as another 5,000 who were killed or worse were denied their justice. But the quick rush to execution in full view of the entire world community seems to point out serious improper involvement by a Shiite militia in Iraq's justice system, strongly raising questions whether innocent Sunni citizens can be afforded a fair trial in such a kangaroo court justice system. The U.S. had a real obligation to be sure that all the charges and victims were heard from before handing Saddam Hussein off to the Shiite militia members for execution.

So far this execution video is not playing very well in parts of Iraq. The chants of "Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada" seem to only indicatre that the murderous corrupt regime of Saddam Husein has only been replaced by a murderous sectarian Shiite regime dominated by militia involvement in the police, courts and government. These militia groups when in the guise of Iraqi police leave many in Iraq fearing that they are only there to kidnap or murder them, not protect them as the role of proper police really shoud be. This is not the kind of Iraq that Americans should be proud of helping to build.

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