Minggu, 17 Desember 2006

Time Magazine's Tacky Mylar Cover Betrays Intelligent "Man Of The Year" Choice

TIME MAGAZINE certainly cannot be faulted for a thoughtful and intelligent choice of "You" as the "Man Of The Year" choice. Certainly the newfound power of blogs, video posting sites such as YouTube, and MySpace.com , etc. have had a huge impact last year, including on the political landscape. But what can faulted is the awful cheap and tacky gimmick "mylar" refective cover, which makes just about the worst looking mirror ever. Even the worst funhouse mirror looks pretty good by comparison. Even worst, some of the advance copies that I've seen had awful looking glue bubbly bumpy looking mylar reflective patches. This looks far worst than a kindergarten craft project, rather than a magazine purchased by adults for a grown-up view of their world. Why the choice of a cover that looks like a rainy day craft project for preschoolers was chosen is a very good question.

NATION GEOGRAPHIC magazine has tried gimmick covers before with some great holographic covers that are real classics and look great. By comparison, this TIME cover is just a downright embarrassment.

But regardless of this awful cover gimmick, the content of the magazine is right on the money. Last year, posted videos on YouTube helped to unseat senators such as George Allen. And the power of blogs to moltivate followers of both liberal and conservative candidates has grown to near mythical proportions, helping to deny Joe Lieberman his Democratic nomination, and propelling an antiwar candidate to the nomination, although falling short in the general election.

TIME MAGAZINE deserves praise for their very perceptive choice of the power of the individual to change their world, but only after you get past the laughter of the worst tacky TIME MAGAZINE cover ever made.

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