Sabtu, 30 Desember 2006

William Peterson Leaving CSI, At Least For A While

The great actor William Peterson is leaving CSI for at least a while. Signs of his slow burnout with the series have been a poorly kept secret in the press as well as in the show's scripts for at least some time.

Despite being involved in the production of the program, as well as one of the main characters of the ultrapopular series, Peterson wanted to spend more time on other acting opportunities such as stage work or cinema. Strangely, "MANHUNTER", a 1986 film starring Peterson seemed the lay some o the basis for CSI series despite a noticeable relationship to the SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. In many ways, Peterson now seems a bit typecast as a crime fighting investigator sleth of some sort.

Peterson is likely to do some stage acting in Providence and even teach a seminar at Williams College before makng a late return to CSI before the season is out in May. Whether Peterson will return next year remains a huge question at this point. But things may be pointing in the direction of Peterson being written into some sort of season finale write-out, or even only returning once every so often as almost a guest star.

While the ratings on CSI remain very strong, early in the season, GREY'S ANATOMY gave the series a huge run for it's money. While no longer the top series in the U.S. , CSI is often beaten by DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES or other programs, and the return of AMERICAN IDOL in January will only push down the ratings of many programs by a tick or two.

Fans of Peterson and CSI can only hope that his exit from the program will only be temporary. But the smart money says that it's probably doubtful that Peterson will stick around very long. He's a very fine actor who brings a great deal of class to the series. His educated and classy banter seems to remind me of the witty exchanges in THE AVENGERS more than anything. So far no other actor in this series has been able to replace this style, and fall more so into a typical crime drama type acting style, although the program always remains interesting by breaking new ground with writing or plot experiments.

Peterson's intellectual acting style will be greatly missed from CSI, which has served as perhaps the finest showcase of his skills outside of the excellent MANHUNTER.

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