Jumat, 10 Agustus 2007

Hillary Clinton Leads In All State Polls; Giuliani In All But Iowa

In current state polls from Iowa, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton holds a prohibitively large lead in all the polls, easily outdistancing both Barack Obama and John Edwards. Rudolph Giuliani leads in all those states except Iowa, where he loses to a heavy effort by Mitt Romney to make a decent showing in this early causas state.

Most importantly, John Edwards seems to have little coattails strength in Florida, where his role as the only candidate from the South seems to have no impact. And Barack Obama seems to be drwaing insufficient strength from African-American voters in Ohio and Pennsylvania to wrest the race from Clinton as well.

Giuliani ssems to have poll strengths in all regions of the country, despite serious character or political leanings doubts among many GOP voters.

It is highly likely that both Clinton and Giuliani will easily wrap up their party nominations, although Giuliani could suffer from a third party challenge from the right wing, and Clinton could face a strong left wing third party candidate that could drain her votes as well making it a very close race in 2008, with Clinton probably able to win the election by a tight margin.

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