Jumat, 03 Agustus 2007

There's Still Great People Out There

Last wek when my father suffered a fatal massive stroke, 911 firemen offered what help that they could before declaring him dead. Yesterday, some average citizens again offered me help when I was involved in a sudden and unexpected motor scooter accident when the front wheel bearing malfunctioned and caused the bike to throw me over the handlebars on a city street. By good fortune, this happened across the street from a fellow biker who drives a motorcycle. This is brotherhood among those on two wheels, they picked the bike up off me as I got run over by my own bike and it landed on me. There was a lot of blood, and today I can count at least 16 injuries. And their kind help to offer me bandages to stop the bleeding until I could baby the damaged bike home and get the car to drive to the doctor was much appreciated.

Folks didn't just come out to see how bad I was injured, like some sort of free show. But they offered me real help. I'm very grateful to their kindness. And beyond the brotherhood of a fellow biker assisting another, local residents were great at offering genuine help to an injured motorist.

I have one leg that is pretty bad after it got run over by the bike as well as twisted in the accident and I can hardly walk on it anmong the 16 injuries I have today. It will take a few days for the more serious injuries to heal. Not the best way to spend my 52nd birthday.

Sometimes some are concerned that civility is dead. But I say that plenty of great folks still exist. God bless them all.

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