Senin, 20 Agustus 2007

Obama Plans To Cut Back On Democratic Debate Appearances

The campaign of Democrat Senator Barack Obama may claim that it's only a move meant to free up more time for campaign appearances, yet for other political analyists, it may spell real trouble in the Obama campaign that there are plans to cut back on his Democratic debate appearances. The fact of the matter is that the youth and inexperience of the young senator has shown up in every debate performance so far with Hillary Clinton, and Obama's numbers only seem to have tumbled with each performance. Obama's handlers may feel that exposure by only himself to audiences to prevent comparative analysis by the voters may be a new strategy, but it is also a possible bad sign that the Obama campaign is running into serious problems appealing to enough voters to realisticly win the nomination.

Obama continues to draw big cash donation members, but simply has fallen short in every debate performance compared to Hillary Clinton each time when the two were matched up onstage. Reality must be setting into the Obama campaign that he is unlikely to win the nomination with the current strategy. Yet giving up on some debates hardly seems like a good strategy. This seems like a blowback to 1968 when Richard Nixon refused to debate Hubert Humphrey, remembering how his bad performance in 1960 narrowly cost him the election. But this hardly seems like good news for the Obama campaign. So far neither Obama or John Edwards seem to have made much inroads into the lead of Hillary Clinton other than in the area of fundraising. In polling numbers, every new debate seems to only strengthen Clinton's lead as most likely Democratic nominee. And with two quick victories in Iowa and New Hampshire early in 2008, she can easily cement the nomination for herself and eliminate her challengers.

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