Minggu, 19 Agustus 2007

The Problems At The Utah Nonunion Mine Only Grow Worse

Unknown to many persons was that among the dead from last week's doomed rescue attempt was a federal mine safety inspector. I can't think of any worse way to impress federal mine safety officials then to have an inspector killed while observing safety conditions at the mine.

There are also some unconfirmed rumors that possiby the mine did not file plans with the federal safety agency for some of the "retreat" mining activity from someone with close knowledge of this mining company. However, this is not public information yet, and has not been confirmed by the federal mining regulators yet, and is only a potential news tip to me.

For legal reasons, I will not name this company by specific name, as the official federal report has not yet been issued as to the causes of the accident. But I will report any authoritive rumors and information from unnamed sources with close knowledge of the mining company and management and only speak in generic terms about the accident as taking place in a nonunion Utah mine. But once the official federal report is out, I will offer more open commentary on this subject. Since this involves sensitive issues such as worker deaths or potential major issues for management, I feel that this is the most responsible way to handle this tragic matter.

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