Minggu, 07 Januari 2007

As Chinese Influence And Foreign Policy Importance Grows, The U.S. Compromises Support For Taiwan

The latest signs that the U.S. is compromising it's support for Taiwan due to the growing influence of China as a world power and holder of $200 billion in U.S. Treasury Bonds, and key player in world trouble spot foreign policy was seen on Friday when visiting Chinese Vice Foreign Minister, Yang Jiechi, was promised by U.S. Secretary Of State, Condoleezza Rice, that the U.S. supports a "one China policy". Simply put, the U.S. wishes to avoid conflict over Taiwan with China that has become a major world player, and the U.S. is now compromising it's values that would normally support a nation's self determination free of Communist influence.

Traditionally, the Republican Party was seen as the most antiCommunist of the two American parties. During the 1950's, Vice President Richard Nixon often acted as the antiCommunist bulldog for the Eisenhower Administration. But after becoming President after winning the 1968 election, Nixon moved to improve relations with China. China quickly warmed to these relations with less antiAmerican rehortic in their press, and more antiSoviet foreign policy leanings. Today China has a military alliance with Russia as a counterweight to the U.S. while having a positive and strong economic relationship with the U.S. But with China's support vitally needed on Iran and North Korea, the U.S. has found itself having to compromise traditional support for Taiwan because of the larger good of avoiding conflict with China, and needing their help with foreign policy, and also because China holds $200 billion in U.S. Treasury Bonds, helping to prevent the economic collapse of the American government.

China has found the $200 billion in U.S. Treasury Bonds to be a powerful force in influencing American trade policy as well. Congresss has tended to steadily weaken any trade barriers to massive Chinese imports, although the massive trade imbalance and currency concerns certainly remain as issues and are under negotiation.

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