Selasa, 16 Januari 2007

Too Much STAR TREK For This Congressman

They say they are what you consume, and in the case of Oregon Congressman David Wu, that well may be too much STAR TREK. Recently when Congressman Wu was recovering from a back injury, he spent a lot of time watching STAR TREK episodes.

Under normal circumstanes this certainly would not be news. But Congressman Wu recently was so inspired by endless hours of watching STAR TREK that it acted as inspiration for an unusual speech by Wu on the floor of Congress comparing the Bush Administration to Klingons and lamenting that they were not Vulcans. And even worse, now video sites like YouTube have received this video, likely from TREK fans, and Congressman Wu is beginning to become the STAR WARS Kid of the next generation, with many popular views for his STAR TREK address to Congress. It's probably a sage bet to assume that Bush's State Of The Union Address later this month will not include STAR TREK material or Bush in full Klingon uniform.

So far, Congressman Wu has not shown up with Vulcan ears, or in an Enterprise crew uniform, nor is this likely. And neither is installing a "transporter" replica in his office. But it is certain that at least one hardcore Trekkie is now out of the closet in Washington.

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