Rabu, 03 Januari 2007

Iraqi Government Arrests Saddam Hussein Execution Cellphone Camera Recorder

As yet another example of suppression of press freedom in Iraq, the government has now made the arrest of the person thought to have made the cellphone camera video of the execution of Saddam Hussein. This stands as yet another example of the corrupt government of Iraq as a brutal suppressor of rights and freedoms.

After the execution of Saddam, Hussein, the government of Iraq issued a deliberately false official statement claiming what an orderly execution event had just taken place, and issued only some still images or video bits that offered no audio. However, the cellphone camera video proved that the official government version of the event and their statement was absolutely false and completely full of outright lies, where a disordetly circuslike event actually took place in which it was likely that Shiite militia group members associated with radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr may have carried out the execution. It was also a known fact that the execution of Saddam Hussein was indeed a political condition that the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr had personally previously set with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Instead of the Iraqi government offering accurate and truthful statements to the Iraqi people and the world community, they instead publicly issue falsehoods and lies as their "official statements". When any attempt to present the truth is made by reporters or the press in Iraq, arrests soon follow. Just like the Nixon "Watergate" government or the Bush "Iraq War" government, these corrupt governments don't see their own corruption, lies or falsehoods as the source of their problems, but the free press that reports their transgressions. A sort of perverted "shoot the messenger" ethic. A free press is an important unofficial check source on government corruption. Without this check source, governments only grow more corrupt and seize more and more power, and become completely despotic.

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