Kamis, 04 Januari 2007

Iraq Plans More Executions Today; Italy Plans To Move For UN Death Penalty Ban

As of the execution of Saddam Hussein didn't do enough to widen secular problems in Iraq and help to further tear the nation apart, the execution of two more convicted defendants from the Saddam Hussein regime are planned for today.

Worldwide reaction to the secular fighting and circuslike execution of Saddam Hussein is having some positve effect though , as after the critical statements from the Vatican condemning the morality of the execution, the diplomatic mission of Italy will introduce a UN resolution to ban the death penalty worldwide. Whether this resolution will pass or unfluence some of the worst regimes in the world to respect sich a resolution remains to be seen. But it is a step in the right direction towards a morality basis in the justice systems of the world. Some states such as North Korea continue to routinely execute persons by firing squad for simply making some contact with the world outside of North Korea, where only some government members within the ruthlessly Stalinist regime are allowed to make contact outside the nation. In Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority region and some other Muslim areas, the death penalty can still be used against anyone who converts to any faith outside of their Islamic faith. Italy's planned resolution would be a major human rights protection against such outrageous abuses of law to enforce religious or political obedience to the state.

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