Minggu, 07 Januari 2007

London's THE TIMES Reports That Israel Is Planning For Possible Nuclear Weapons Attack On Iranian Nuclear Program

A shocking new story appeared on the London based, THE TIMES Sunday morning, claiming that the Israeli air force is practicing and planning for a nuclear weapons attack on Iran's nuclear program. The mission is said to involve nuclear "bunker busters" to get at the very deep 75 to 100 feet underground level of the Iranian nuclear research sites.

One year ago, it was known that Israel was granted use of Turkish airspace to practice for bombing attacks on Iran at the request of the U.S., and that the U.S. helped to provide at least 500 to 5,000 additional "bunker buster" type bombs to Israel as well. Israel is thought to have as many as 300 nuclear devices or warheads, and may have retrofitted these conventional weapons with depleted uranium warheads that can slice through many feet of hardened concrete bunkers with some sort of low yield nuclear warheads. Yet the possibility of spreading dangerous radiation from these weapons still remains a real possibility.

The U.S. and Israel may be playing a psychological game with Iran to force Iran into peacefully resolving this matter with the world community by allowing this shocking story to leak. It is also possible that Israeli politicians may have become so concerned about Iranian intentions to possiby build nuclear weapons or destroy Israel that they are entering into a dangerous renegade foreign policy willing to take the consequences from the world community in an effort to protect their tiny nation. In the narrowest portion, Israel is only 11 miles wide for example.

Part of the reason that Iran may be attempting to build nuclear reactors could be that by 2014 or 2015, Iranian oil resources may be so depleted that Iran may have to stop all oil exports entirely to the world. This could force Iran to seek expanision into neighboring Iraq on one hand, or attempting to build an economy that builds and exports weapons, including nuclear , to other nations. When a nation lacks natural resources or is running out of assets, they can violently seek mineral assets that they are lacking. During WWII, Japan started a war with the U.S. when the U.S. cut off steel exports needed by their expanionist war efforts in Asia. Britain, France, Portugal and Spain all sought expanionist colonialist efforts into poor nations with mineral asets needed by these nations at one time or the other.

Perhaps the best compromise would be allowing Iran a very tightly controlled nuclear power program with close world community supervision and handling of all nuclear waste. The alternative could mean WWIII in the MidEast with a huge Iranian fleet of chemical weapon tipped missiles hitting Israel and the American forces in Iraq in response to any limited Israeli attack on their nuclear program. The new story in London's THE TIMES does raise the ante for Iran to accept some sort of peaceful use of nuclear power development solution from the world community. China and Russia both have strong economic or military wares ties to Iran, both President Putin and the Chinese seem more on board for a peaceful resolution or more strict sanctions than previously, acting as further pressure for Iran to cooperate in some sort of a solution. But an Israeli nuclear first strike could undermine all of this to say the very least.

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