Selasa, 16 Januari 2007

Huge Car Bombing Takes Many Lives At Shiite University In Baghdad

Sunni sectarian violence hit a predominently Shiite university very hard today in a suicide vest bomber and a car bombing that took at least 65 lives and left at least 138 more wounded. Immediatedly members of the Shiite militia organization, the Mahdi Army of radical cleric Muqtafa al-Sadr and Iraqi police responded to the incident.

It is not known whether this attack was in response to the executions of two former members of Saddam Hussein's government, but these three high profile executions of Saddam Hussein, his half brother and a Chief Justice, were only likely to ignite more sectarian violence. The government of Iraq was warned by many states in the world community about this and by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

It is especially evil when so many young people just beginning their lives are targeted at an university. This act will no doubt result in some extreme retailiation by Shiite militia groups and corrupt police who abduct Sunni citizens and carry out street violence at random. The cycle of violence just never seems to end in Iraq.

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