Minggu, 25 Februari 2007

Al Gore Highly Unlikely To Declare A Presidential Bid At Tonight's Oscars

Some rumors have been floated that Al Gore would declare a bid for president at tonight's Oscars. However, this appears highly unlikely as Mr. Gore has repeatedly stated that he has no intent to run, and both Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama appear well on their way towards big fundraising and gathering endorsements and support. Gore could be well positioned as a more conventional candidate, however he would likely compete with John Edwards for part of this segment of voters. Gore and Edwards also represent the voters who would like to see a Southern nominee.

A "Draft Gore" website, www.draftgore.com claims that Gore may enter the race in September if there is "an opening". However, for now the voters seem largely satisfied with either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. For those voters suffering with Clinton fatigue for any of a variety of reasons, they seem to hovering around the campaign of Barack Obama nicely. This doesn't seem to leave the "opening" required for a Gore campaign to be justified.

Al Gore has become both wealthy as well as honored since leaving the vice presidency. His book and movie dealing with global warming are both smash successes. Tonight, Gore could even be honored as winning an Oscar for the film as well. There is really little need for Gore to enter the two year bruising run for president, all of which seems to indicate the smart money says that Al Gore does not announce a run for president tonight, or during this entire campaign. If otherwise turns out, then it would certainly be a terrific surprise.

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