Sabtu, 03 Februari 2007

Chinese President Hu Jintao Attempts To Secure Peace In Sudan And Raw Materials For Growing Chinese Economy On African Visit

China's President, Hu Jintao, urged Sudan to accept UN peacekeeping efforts and even offered the government new schools and a new presidential palace, along with $70 million in debt forgiveness if only they will allow more UN peacekeeping efforts and resolve the serious Darfur situation. This has to be one of the best inducements towards peace in Sudan yet made, and the government of Sudan would be wise to fully consider this generous offer.

Chinese President Hu Jintao is in Zambia today, and will make visits to Cameroon, Liberia, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique and Seychelles as well. China is making important trade deals in Africa to supply both the oil and raw materials required to help further China's huge economic growth rate, roughly three time that of the U.S. economy growth. But these trade deals are having huge local impacts in Africa, resulting in more peace and jobs in the region. China is also offering debt forgiveness and other favors to these nations, helping their struggling developing world economies to slowly grow.

China enjoys their recent new role in the world, being viewed a major world state and economy, and it has helped to transform the nation into a role of major peacemaker and constructive world community member. China also contributes peacekeepers to several of the current 15 UN peacekeeping missions in the world, including dangereous lebanon, and has helped in the reconstruction efforts in Iraq as well.

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