Jumat, 09 Februari 2007

Iraqi Sunni Insurgent Group Offers Absurd "Peace" Offer

An Iraqi Sunni insurgent organization, the Iraqi Sunni Islamic Resistance Movement, offered an absurd peace offer to both the U.S and the Iraqi government, which is so entirely unacceptable that it proves just how far from peace the nation actually is.

The organization is seeking to dissolve the Iraqi government, and abolish the nation's constitution, ending elections in Iraq, as well seeking freedom for 5,000 detainees, then all that the insurgent organization is willing to promise U.S. forces is a possible safe exit from Iraq. The proposal is hardly serious, and merely puts an armed extremist organization in a position for continued warfare if American and British forces leave the country.

When extremists continue to kill civilians through car bombings and other acts, nothing positive is being offered by this organization to bring peace to Iraq. But on the other hand, the Shiite dominated government hardly seems serious about serious peace talks with the Sunni community, partially because the main Shiite Cleric, Ali al-sistani has ordered Shiite parliamentary members not to givemuch power to the Sunni community. With no serious peace efforts in Iraq, the carnage will only continue.

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