Jumat, 02 Februari 2007

General George Casey Miserably Fails; Seeks Job Promotion

When you're a perfectly nice guy, but you miserably fail at managing the Iraq War like General George Casey, then you do the only right thing and seek a job promotion as the next Army Chief Of Staff, which makes no sense at all.

Why someone who failed so miserably in such a critical mission to stabilize Iraq, which will only threaten the entire stability of the MidEast and only encourage Iran to pick the pieces in the region and could even lay the groundwork for WWIII seeks a job advancement upstairs is a good question.

General George Casey is a veteran of three wars including WWII. But perhaps he cannot offer solutions to the the modern forms of warfare that the U.S. has become bogged down in since Korea, Vietnam and Iraq that have ended in stalemates. Casey has proven little ability to understand the challenges of Iraq and simply could achieve success in in this bad policy. But why he should be promotted to a higher position when problems like Iraq and the MidEast are only sure to escalate is a good question that the confirming members of the U.S. Senate must really consider. You cannot confirm someone because they are a nice guy. They have to be able to do the job at hand.

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