Sabtu, 03 Februari 2007

Kevin Federline Just Can't Catch A Break

Late night comics merely mention his name, and the laughter usually starts before a joke has even been made. Now Kevin Federline, has a new laughable controversy, as pizza and fast food workers consider his mere presence in a Nationwide Insurance Company ad set to air during the Superbowl tomorrow demeaning to their profession. It is a sign of just how low the former husband of Britney Spears, and laughably bad White rapper, K-Fed, has sunk in the public's view.

Only last month, another pizza worker from Missouri was arrested for holding two boys hostage in his apartment, and yet this horrible crime didn't cause hardly an eyeblink of disgrace to the workers at most pizza businesses. But Kevin Federline is considered such an awful personality, his presense in the Nationwide ad has drawn anger only a little less so than the anger of those in Islam at a cartoon they once considered to be demeaning.

Kevin Federline has issued a public apology for the Nationwide ad, which probably may still air anyway. And now Taco Bell has issued Kevin Federline a challenge to work one hour at a Taco Bell restaurant, although some in the public may wonder if that's about one more hour than kevin Federline has ever worked in his entire life. Kevin Federline even appeared on an episode of 1 vs. 100 recently, no doubt making a few wonder if he was sleeping there as well. At any rate, this poor guy just can't seem to catch a break, and has become a favorite public joke, making any serious attempts to get his career back on track very difficult.

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