Minggu, 08 April 2007

CNN Carried Excellent Holy Week Coverage Compared To Any Cable News Network

Once again CNN tops the list for providing the best religious oriented news coverage of any cable news network during this past Holy Week. Anderson Cooper ran an excellent series this week questioning what it meant to be Christian for example, with many excellent guests. Guests as as Bishop T.D. Jakes, Paula White, Jerry Falwell, and others were interviewed, and both Christian and Jewish leaders were invited for segments. A decent balance of Protestant, Catholic and Jewish leaders were invited for civil and intelligent discussions that sharply contrasted with the news over at FOX that bully talk show host, Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera nearly traded blows over claims of O'Reilly that illegal immigration, rather than drunk driving was respionsile for a fatal accident. O'Reilly also recently abused the day of a funeral of some New York immigrants who died in a fire for another of his racist rants against immigrants. Compared to this negativity, CNN's calm style and respect for religious views is most welcome.

During the illness and death of Pope John Paul II in 2005, CNN was also the very best in news coverage of both his illness and death. This provided a great service not only to Catholics, but also to any others of faith who admired this great religious leader.

Even though many consider FOX the most bent towards conservative politics of any of the cable news networks, only CNN, which is considered to be more mainstream, or even somewhat liberal by some, has made an excellent attempt to be respectful to persons of faith. CNN deserves great respect for this excellent news coverage by a mainstream media outlet.

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