Jumat, 06 April 2007

Have A Respectful Good Friday

Today is a very important Christian Holy Day, and the beginning of a very important weekend. If at all possible, please respect today, and offer prayerful reflection on the sacrifice of Jesus for the sake of mankind.

Wall Street and other important sectors take the day off today in respect for Jesus and his love for mankind.

If at possible please refrain from any activity today that you do not believe that God would condone. This is a very good day to respect his name and others, and show a little kindness towards others.

Not all readers here may be Christian, and that's fine, you're more than welcome here always. But for our Christian readers, please find some way to honor this Holy day and show respect for Jesus in some way. Treating mankind with respect and love is a model of the love that Jesus has shown towards mankind. God bless everyone.

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