Rabu, 04 April 2007

Rumors Are That Barack Obama Will Release First Quarter Figures That Will Shock Clinton Campaign Today

There are smarty money rumors that Senator Barack Obama will release his first quarter campaign cash figures today, and smart money says that those figures will leave the Clinton campaign running scared. Those figures are expected to nearly equal or even surpass the Clinton figures, the one huge advantage of the Clinton campaign has always been excellent fund-raising skills.

In other news, John Edwards has received a little sympathy bounce in a new poll from New Hampshire, putting his current polling standing at 21% compared to the Hillary Clinton total of 27%, a drop from her 35% in a February poll. Obama currently runs a strong third in the New Hampshire polling, but a strong cash showing today could certainly boost his efforts and make him more competitive with both Clinton and Edwards.

Among the Republican voters, undecided is the most popular at 35%, with this plurarity not liking any of the choices in the same New Hampshire polling.

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