Kamis, 12 April 2007

Don Imus Violated No FCC Or Libel Standards, Yet Is Cancelled By MSNBC

MSNBC stepped up the ante by cancelling THE DON IMUS SHOW telecast despite the fact that his badly botched joke about the Rutgers women's basketball team violated no FCC standards or even libel laws. MSNBC was way too quick to cower to some extremists such as Al Sharpton who forced this 40 year veteran of broadcasting from the public airwaves.

66 year old Don Imus has had a long and full life once working as a miner, a U.S. Marine, and recorded a comedy album for Bang Records. Imus is a vegetarian who markets a line of ecofriendly detergents and donates the profits to charity. Imus also runs a cancer camp for children suffering from this terrible illness. This past year Imus raised over $6 million for the Texas, Center For The Intrepid, where seriously wounded U.S. soldiers can seek rehabilitation services. Most of the critics of Imus cannot match his charitable giving or selfless nature of seeking respect for others, and instead only focused on his off-color humor.

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