Kamis, 05 April 2007

Tofurky's Disappointing Vegetarian "SuperBurgers"

Normally Oregon's Turtle Island Foods is known for absolutely wonderful vegan and vegetarian meat substitutes such as the excellent line of Tofurky foods, gravy and related tofulike turkey items. But their entry into the vegetarian and organic products burger business has been deeply disappointing to say the very least. Their "SuperBurgers" hardly are by any stretch of the imagination.

SuperBurgers are large in size, four inches in fact compared to many vegetarian burgers that usually are only 3.25 inches in diameter. And these vegetarian burgers weigh in at a hefty 3.5oz. compared to many more wimpy 2.5oz. burgers by some competitors. Turtle Island Foods uses organic ingredients while many other brands use cheaper ingredients in the SuperBurgers which should have been a real bonus as well, but with a taste that does not inspire at all, and the product's actual appearance far below the illustration on the packaging, SuperBurgers are nothing but a major letdown for those who expected a great product, especially considering the excellent quality of all other Turtle Island products such as the excellent Tofurky line.

Normally you expect such great products from Turtle Island Foods that it is hoped
that they can revamp the SuperBurgers with a far better tasting recipe. But for now Turtle Foods has nothing on great vegetarian burgers such the excellent one's made by WildWood. These WildWood burgers are huge, give you plenty to eat and actually taste good compared to these burgers from Turtle Foods that simply don't work.

Turtle Foods SuperBurgers

Taste: *

Quality Of Ingredients Used: ***

Value For Money: **

Product Size:***


Nutritional Content:***

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