Minggu, 01 April 2007

College Professor Newt Gingrich Talks Like A Fool On The Political Lecture Circuit

As much as liberals distain Newt Gingrich, they had to at least admit that he is both articulate and intelligent. But this weekend, Gingrich has seemed to leave his intellect at the door and adopted statements that prove little real intelligence or reasoning skills. Gingrich not only denounced bilingual education, but equated Spanish with the "ghetto", while praising English as the language of "prosperity".

Gingrich's ignorance on the subject cannot be understated. Many in the Cuban-American community speak Spanish and are indeed very well to do, highly successful in business and other professions. There are many nonHispanic White Americans who only speak English who have no savings, live from paycheck to paycheck, and barely get by. Comparing the Spanish Language to poverty or the "ghetto" is an outrageous ethnic slur and sheer ignorance.

In other wacky comments, Gingrich also expressed that Speaker Of The House, Nancy Pelosi should not travel to Syria. However, she is not the official spokesperson for American foreign policy and cannot offer this controversial state anything of real value. Pelosi could actually help to seperate Sunni Syria even further from Shiite Iran, and could open up Syria as some sort of vital partner to help to control the Sunni insurgent problem in Iraq. The Pelosi visit could open up a new foreign policy for the MidEast that is more helpful to peace, and is certainly worth the risk since little of consequence is really at stake. The possible advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Even the Rev. Pat Robertson, a former Republican presidential candidate has voiced suport for any U.S. efforts to bring Syria in as some sort of partner to help resolve the Sunni problem in Iraq.

The Sunni communities in Iraq, Syria and Egypt all were heavily influenced by the Baathist Arab Socialist movement of Egypt's Gamal Nasser in the 1950's. With this historic connection between the three governments, any attempts to bring Syria in as a constructive partner to help prevent futher Sunni violence and the insurgency are worthwhile.

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