Selasa, 10 April 2007

Tarzan's "Cheetah" Celebrates 75th Birthday As Oldest Living Chimpanzee

The chimpanzee from the old TARZAN movies of the 40's and 50's, whose real name is Cheeta, has just celebrated his 75th birthday as the world's oldest living chimpanzee. Some animal rights activists have condemned the capture and use of animals like Cheeta for film work and stunts, however Cheeta is a beloved creature by his handlers and has far outlived the average of 40-45 years. In fact all chimpanzees tend to live far beyond their life would be in the wild. Equaly housecats tend to far outlive outdoor cats for example. Some animal breeds simply do better in captivity, given an opportunity to share their lives with humans, given shelter from the elements, balanced diets, and the best of both love and medical care.

Some animals have a greatly improved life in captivity if treated with love and dignity. Cheeta is a prime example of this, and is probably one very happy senior citizen today.

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