Jumat, 13 April 2007

Why Shouldn't McDonalds Pull Their Sponsorship Of The Al Sharpton Show On Radio?

There is a strange hypocrisy on the part of corporate America, because of a single poorly botched joke over on The Don IMUS SHOW, both MSNBC and CBS cancelled the show after major sponsors like GM and Procter and Gamble pulled their ads. But given the long history of one of the major accusers of Imus, Al Sharpton, why doesn't McDonalds pull their ads from his radio program? Why hasn't Sharpton's radio show removed from the public airwaves long before now?

Al Sharpton was ordered by a court to pay for his portion of a $345,000 judgement for his slander during the 1987 Tawana Brawley hoax.

In December of 2005, the Federal Election Commission ordered Sharpton to repay $100, 000 in federal campaign financing funds that were overspent for personal expeditures.

A 1983 episode of HBO's REAL SPORTS, which was host by Bryant Gumbel featured a FBI tape of Al Sharpton discussing laundering drug money with a former Columbo crime familly associate turned FBI informant, Michael Franzese. Sharpton also had a long association with boxing promoter Don King, who also had some close connections to organized crime figures. King once served nearly four years for the manslaughter death of a man while running an illegal bookmaking business, but was acquited by a jury of a second death.

In 1991, Sharpton helped to inspire antiJewish sentiments that likely played a role in the fatal Crown Heights Riot, where Sharpton referred to Hasidic Jews as "Diamond merchants", and an angry crowd chanting "Kill the Jew" murdered a visiting Australian 29 year old Hasidic student.

In 1995, Sharpton once again inspired hate against the Jewish community, when he protested a new store owned by Jewish persons from opening up shop in a largely African American neighborhood called Freddy's Fashion Mart. The resulting anger in the community likely inspired a violent protestor to kill himself and seven others in an arson attack on the store.

Sharpton and Michael Jackson once staged an outrageous press conference blaming Sony Records for "racism" for the poor sales of his musically very weak album, INVINCIBLE, when building concerns about Jackson among the public as well as weak songs and poor material were really at issue.

In 2001, Sharpton serves a three month prison sentence for an illegal protest on U.S. military property the same year that 90% of the public supported the White House efforts against the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Sharpton has betrayed both poor persons and the African American community by doing ads for a car title loan company, Loanmax. Many car title loan companies charge interest rates similiar to loan sharks with ultrahigh interest rates of 300% or more. For any self proclaimed champion of the poor, this is a huge conflict of interest for Sharpton.

Sharpton took it on himself to make the transportation arrangements for the body of singer James Brown to lie in state at the Apollo Theatre. But these arrangements wee so botched-up that Sharpton had to transport the body himself in the back of a borrowed van. And other problems made it over 70 days before the body of James Brown was laid to rest in a temporary grave, while a permanent grave is still yet to be built.

In 2007, Sharpton begins what one reporter described as a "big time effort" to destroy the reputation of Senator Barack Obama. Likely inspired by a desire of Sharpton to become the main spokesman in the African American community, Sharpton seems to want to destroy the reputation of any African American who proves to be more popular than him.

Why advertisers ran from Don Imus after one single tasteless joke that miserably failed, and Al Sharpton continues his radio show on the public airwaves with the corporate support of McDonalds is a very good question considering his long historyof conflict and close connection to some fatal violent incidents? There is no radio talk show host with such a history on the public airwaves who continues to receive major corporate support from a major firm like McDonalds. Sharpton continues to get a pass no matter how bad his conduct is.

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