Selasa, 03 April 2007

Haley Barbour; America's Worst Governor?

Former Republican Party Chairman and millionaire tobacco lobbyist lawyer, Haley Barbour, the current governor of Mississipppi may just be the nation's worst governor, yet is mentioned in Republican political circles as a possible 2008 Vice Presidential running mate choice.

Barbour who was a founder of the the Washington D.C. lobby firm, Barbour, Griffith & Rodgers has reaped in millions of dollars to promote the goals of the evil, poisonous and immoral tobacco industry. Every year this immoral industry hooks more children on their poisonous drug addiction, a drug addiction that will eventually kill 50% of all tobacco users as well as 50,000 nonusers a year with the secondhand smoke produced by this poisonous industry. Tobacco smoke emits 4,000 substances, including illegal air pollution such as cadium and nickel that violates EPA federal clean air regulations, yet because this illegal poisonous pollution is not directly spewing from some smoky corporate chimney, but from millions of pathetic drug addicted users instead, the tobacco industry can technically avoid huge federal fines for pouring some of the same illegal pollution in the public air that has been banned from batteries and other toxic items.

Any responsible human with any values whatsoever would want to prevent children from taking up smoking. But not Governor Barbour, who has killed off a drug education program in the Mississippi schools because it is effective in deterring children from taking up smoking. What ethical human being would what children to become drug addicts and take up an addiction that will eventually kill 50% of them during their lifetime if they do not quit? Governor Barbour does.

While Mississippi has some of the nation's worst poverty and some of the highest sales taxes on food products hitting the poor very hard, Barbour vetoed a bill passed by the state legislature back in March 2006 that would have lowered the sales taxes on food somewhat while raising tobacco taxes. Once again, Barbour acted on behalf of his tobacco industry friends to protect their sales and profits, and against the people of his state, helping to perpetuate the evil of poverty and hunger in his state.

Barbour misleads the voters of his state when he tells them he opposes tax increases. He opposes making groceries more affordable for the working poor of his state, while protecting the tobacco industry from any measure meant to discourage users or to fund public health projects to offset at least part of the damage that the drug addiction of tobacco does to his state. A new medical study from Britain stated that 40% of all illness in the study was caused by tobacco, while alcohol filled nearly 50% of all emergency room beds due to injuries and accidents caused by this drug.

Barbour's currently polling popularity barely exceeds his negative rating with Mississippi voters. Even in this conservative state many voters realize that Barbour does not represent their best interests or that of their children. Barbour isn't just some typical conservative, but rather a full-time proponent and lobbyist for the tobacco industry who supports childhood drug addiction to cigarettes and opposes any new fees imposed on tobacco that might hurt cigarette sales or new smokers coming into the market. Barbour is a stooge for an immoral industry that intentionally harms the public and enslaves users into a fatal cycle of drug addiction. Some of the poorest and most pathetic persons are the target audience of the tobacco industry. For example, an estimated 80% of persons with diagnosed mental illness self-medicate by smoking, compared to less than 20% of normal persons with no mental health disorders. Barbour represents an industry of stuffed shirt criminals who profit by exploiting the mentally ill, drug addicts, children, and any other pathetic group of users in order to show huge billion dollar profits.

It's a shame when rascals like Barbour cannot find a way to make a living except by exploiting children or pandering to the personal problems of drug addicts. Yet some consider this morally bankrupt stooge for big tobacco to be their man they'd most like to see as Vice President. If this happens, it will be over the dead bodies of the millions of people that the murderous tobacco industry has killed. Barbour has very bloody hands in this matter, and lacks the morality to hold any political office. Barbour may well be America's very worst Governor.

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