Senin, 09 April 2007

Oregon's Governor Will Live For One Week On Food Stamps

Oregon's Governor Ted Kulongoski, a Democrat, will live for one week on Food Stamps, along with his wife to observe the quality of life for the poor, and to see what hunger is like in Oregon. Food Stamps average just $35 a week per person, with a maximum monthly payment of around $153. However many on other programs such as a small disability check may only receive about $50 a month in Food Stamp support.

Programs such as Food Stamps provide the important difference between hunger, starvation and malnutrition, and are vital services that the poor or disabled are very grateful to receive. During the last session of Congress, the Republicans had tried to cut Food Stamps and other services by $40 billion, while offering $70 billion in tax cuts mainly to the wealthy. But the Democratic minority and a few moderate or compassionate Republicans opposed this measure.

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