Senin, 16 April 2007

Fans Of Jim Morrison Urging A Pardon For Miami Concert Conviction

Some fans of The Doors, have written to the governor of Florida urging him to issue a pardon for the Florida convictions of lead singer Jim Morrison who was convicted of using profanity and exposing himself during a 1969 Miami concert. Back in 1969 this controversial concert performance created a national backlash against the hugely popular rock group, ruining their record sales when many stores refused to stock albums by The Doors and other resulting actions.

Jim Morrison's growing problems with alcohol and drugs, as well as his rebel personality likely were to blame for the Miami episode. More alcohol problems with Morrison caused The Doors longtime record producer to quit right in the middle of recording their classic 1971 LA WOMAN album, ewhen the producer had just gone through problems with Janis Joplin, and could hardly tolerate Morrison showing up drunk for recording sessions, where recording work drug out for weeks, rather than a few days.

Whether the excellent contributions to music by Jim Morrison are now considered enough to warrant a pardon remain to be seen, but some like controversial NY comic, Lenny Bruce, where eventually offered a pardon for his obscenity arrests. But others such as Larry Flynt, HUSTLER magazine publisher and others remain to be pardoned for testing the limits of entertainment. How soon before radio shock jock Don Imus finds his way back to the public arena, and a measurable enough level of public forgiveness, remains to be seen. But still for some entertainers, one step too far that violates the public's sense of taste seems to invite near career suicide.

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