Minggu, 01 April 2007

Marine Biologists Estimate As Many As 5 Million Marine Species Are Yet To Be Discovered

Marine biologists such as those from the University Of Oregon who operate the research site at Seaside, Oregon estimate that as many as 5 million marine species are yet to be discovered by researchers. Despite small steps to explore space since the late 1950's with satellites, probes and even manned space missions, the seas of the world still remain the greatest unexplored world close to man.

Many divers, including deep sea divers seldom go much beyond 100 feet below the water surface of the world, yet deep in the depths of the Earth's oceans are many strange and yet unknown creatures. Deep in the ocean's depths are mysterious creatures totally lacking in pigment because of a lack of light, and who use advanced sonar to find their way around as there is no light to provide vision. Some sea creatures have sonar capabilities far beyond the most advanced systems developed by and for the U.S. Navy.

It is difficult to comprehend that such a vast world of unknown life is so abundant in the ocean's of the world. Yet it is a powerful testament to the greatness of creation itself. And it is amazing that some marine animals such as dolphins have intelligence comparable to many higher life form animals such as dogs. The fact that some highly intelligent animals exist in the sea despite much contact with humans to learn from is a great mystery.

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