Rabu, 11 April 2007

Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas Arming For A Possible Summer War With Israel

While Syria seemed to send some slight signals of a willingness to seek peace with Israel, the real fact according to Israeli military intelligence spy satellite photos proves a massive buildup of missiles by Syria with large batteries of missiles being placed near the Syrian border, including the widespread arming of chemical warheads. Syria also has undertaken a huge project to fortify their important military targets in hardened underground bunkers, where U.S. made bunker buster missiles that were provided to Israel would be useless.

In 1982, Syria lost an air force war with Israel, so begun a new military phase of building up a lethal rocket and missile force capable of destroying the state.

Hezbollah has also looked at what went right and what went wrong in their war last year with Israel that endedin a stalement, and has rebuilt their rocket and missile force with heavy aid from Iran and Syria.

In the West Bank area, controlled by the Palestinians, and estimated 20,000 arms including antitank weapons have been smuggled in by way of Egypt.

All of these opponents of Israel are arming up for what they hope could be a war to crush Israel this summer and destroy the tiny MidEast nation. This summer could mark the most serious conflict ever for the MidEast with this huge force of lethal arms by the enemies of Israel, boxing in tiny Israel with enemies from the North, West and East of their nation, and a new lethal force of rockets and missiles now able to hit every point in Israel.

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